Why Host a BTM?
Earn Extra Revenue
Receive a monthly payment simply for hosting a machine at your business.
Increase Foot Traffic
Your business’s location will be shared with customers searching for BTMs.
Modernize Your Business
Show your customers you value their business by keeping up with the latest technology and trends.
Tap Into the Future
Crypto ATMs are the new frontier of the financial industry.
In Cryptocurrency Traded Daily
Countries with Crypto
Crypto ATMs Worldwide
Confidence in Crypto (according to 2021 user index)
Put Your Business on the Map
With more than 8,000+ BTMs across North America, Bitcoin Depot is the world’s largest Bitcoin ATM network. Join us on our mission to bring Bitcoin to the mainstream by hosting a BTM at your business.
We currently have BTMs in:
- 24-hour gas stations
- Convenience stores
- Liquor stores
- Vape Shops and Smoke Shops
- Wireless Fix It Stores
Other locations with high foot traffic and long operating hours will be considered.